

Giant Cowly

Giant Cowly

in 2011 for my first exhibition in Taipei I had in mind to build a huge Cowly made out of felt , unfortunately I quickly realised that making it entirely out of felt would take me forever, so at the time I settle down on a 3″ version made with the needle […]

Cowly wax prototype

Cowy Wax Proto

here is few pictures of the Wax prototype of my upcoming Cowly Toy, and you all know what that means, after a long long long wait, it’s currently being manufactured and will be ready ( hopefully ) in few weeks, just in time for Taipei Toy Festival, can’t wait to […]

Cowly Anatomy ProtoV1.0


In 2008 while learning about human anatomy I started to ask myself, what if my Character “Cowly” was real, what would she be like on the inside, and so I started doodling a quick photoshop skeleton on top. Two years later I found the photoshop doodle in my computer and […]

New Website

QuailStudio Version 1.0 website

I finally had a little bit of time to experiment WordPress, I’ve been struggling for few days now trying to figure out how everything works, I am not familiar with coding at all, so at first it was a bit scary but now I’m really starting to get the hang […]